The Gonzo Foundation
How We Started
In November 2004, Ralph Steadman was visiting Owl Farm in Woody Creek, Colorado, with his wife, Anna Steadman, and print artist Joe Petro. During a late-night kitchen conversation, Ralph suggested the concept of the Gonzo Foundation. Hunter liked the idea, and his wife, Anita Thompson, secured the domain and began outlining the Gonzo Foundation’s mission: To promote journalism, American literature, and political activism through the work of Hunter S. Thompson. The concept worked its way through the conversation, but it was later shelved.
After Hunter’s death in 2005, Anita officially founded the Gonzo Foundation to honor what he stood for. The nonprofit sprouted from its roots planted in the kitchen that night. Ralph, one of the first board members, has been carrying on with the work that he and Hunter started with their first Gonzo collaboration, “The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved.”
Where We Are Today
The Gonzo Foundation hosts political debates in conjunction with local Grassroots TV and after-school programs for area students. We contribute to University endowments to lighten the financial load of students going into the important profession of Journalism in a changing world. Although we are a small nonprofit, we are growing steadily with help from friends and those who loved the work of literature, journalism and the activism inspired by Hunter S. Thompson.
Honor Roll
David Amram
Richard Beckler
Alex Bejmuk
Peter Bejmuk
Daniel Bejmuk
Patricia Blanchet
Bob Braudis
Douglas Brinkley
Phil Bronstein
Jimmy Buffett
Shannan Burkley
Graydon Carter
Jim Caruso
Lee Cowan
Rick Cusick
Dave Danforth
Benecio Del Toro
Johnny Depp
Laura Doty
Lauren Dowd
Reagan Dowd
Jennifer Alise Drew
Bob Dylan
Michael Goldberg
Lynn Goldsmith
Gerry Goldstein
Amy Goodman
Stacey Hadash
Hal Haddon
Evelyn Haralampu
Mick Ireland
Jim Irsay
Walter Isaacson
Sam Kashner
Richard and Dawn Lamping
Cameron Leonard
Lyle Lovett
Britney Martinez
David McCumber
Terry McDonell
Kevin McGreevy
Howard Medwed
Tim Mohr
Tim Mooney
Michael Moore
Matt Moseley
Bill Murray
Laila Nabulsi
Jack Nicholson
Peg O’Brien
PJ O’Rouke
Gina Odom
Sean Penn
Rob Pew
Juliana Pfister
Kristin Pride
Curtis Robinson
Charlie Rose
Shelby Sadler
Mark Seal
Wendy Gertler
Chris Spinder
Audrey Sprenger
Ralph Steadman
Patti Stranahan
George Stranahan
Robin Thompson
George Tobia
Devon Varoz
John Walsh
Daniel Joseph Watkins
Joelle Wise
Liz Yount
Michael Zilkha